36 research outputs found

    Unsupervised Object Discovery and Localization in the Wild: Part-based Matching with Bottom-up Region Proposals

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    This paper addresses unsupervised discovery and localization of dominant objects from a noisy image collection with multiple object classes. The setting of this problem is fully unsupervised, without even image-level annotations or any assumption of a single dominant class. This is far more general than typical colocalization, cosegmentation, or weakly-supervised localization tasks. We tackle the discovery and localization problem using a part-based region matching approach: We use off-the-shelf region proposals to form a set of candidate bounding boxes for objects and object parts. These regions are efficiently matched across images using a probabilistic Hough transform that evaluates the confidence for each candidate correspondence considering both appearance and spatial consistency. Dominant objects are discovered and localized by comparing the scores of candidate regions and selecting those that stand out over other regions containing them. Extensive experimental evaluations on standard benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed approach significantly outperforms the current state of the art in colocalization, and achieves robust object discovery in challenging mixed-class datasets.Comment: CVPR 201

    Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation with Error Localization Network

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    This paper studies semi-supervised learning of semantic segmentation, which assumes that only a small portion of training images are labeled and the others remain unlabeled. The unlabeled images are usually assigned pseudo labels to be used in training, which however often causes the risk of performance degradation due to the confirmation bias towards errors on the pseudo labels. We present a novel method that resolves this chronic issue of pseudo labeling. At the heart of our method lies error localization network (ELN), an auxiliary module that takes an image and its segmentation prediction as input and identifies pixels whose pseudo labels are likely to be wrong. ELN enables semi-supervised learning to be robust against inaccurate pseudo labels by disregarding label noises during training and can be naturally integrated with self-training and contrastive learning. Moreover, we introduce a new learning strategy for ELN that simulates plausible and diverse segmentation errors during training of ELN to enhance its generalization. Our method is evaluated on PASCAL VOC 2012 and Cityscapes, where it outperforms all existing methods in every evaluation setting

    Unsupervised Object Discovery and Tracking in Video Collections

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    This paper addresses the problem of automatically localizing dominant objects as spatio-temporal tubes in a noisy collection of videos with minimal or even no supervision. We formulate the problem as a combination of two complementary processes: discovery and tracking. The first one establishes correspondences between prominent regions across videos, and the second one associates successive similar object regions within the same video. Interestingly, our algorithm also discovers the implicit topology of frames associated with instances of the same object class across different videos, a role normally left to supervisory information in the form of class labels in conventional image and video understanding methods. Indeed, as demonstrated by our experiments, our method can handle video collections featuring multiple object classes, and substantially outperforms the state of the art in colocalization, even though it tackles a broader problem with much less supervision

    HIER: Metric Learning Beyond Class Labels via Hierarchical Regularization

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    Supervision for metric learning has long been given in the form of equivalence between human-labeled classes. Although this type of supervision has been a basis of metric learning for decades, we argue that it hinders further advances of the field. In this regard, we propose a new regularization method, dubbed HIER, to discover the latent semantic hierarchy of training data, and to deploy the hierarchy to provide richer and more fine-grained supervision than inter-class separability induced by common metric learning losses. HIER achieved this goal with no annotation for the semantic hierarchy but by learning hierarchical proxies in hyperbolic spaces. The hierarchical proxies are learnable parameters, and each of them is trained to serve as an ancestor of a group of data or other proxies to approximate the semantic hierarchy among them. HIER deals with the proxies along with data in hyperbolic space since geometric properties of the space are well-suited to represent their hierarchical structure. The efficacy of HIER was evaluated on four standard benchmarks, where it consistently improved performance of conventional methods when integrated with them, and consequently achieved the best records, surpassing even the existing hyperbolic metric learning technique, in almost all settings

    Improving Cross-Modal Retrieval with Set of Diverse Embeddings

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    Cross-modal retrieval across image and text modalities is a challenging task due to its inherent ambiguity: An image often exhibits various situations, and a caption can be coupled with diverse images. Set-based embedding has been studied as a solution to this problem. It seeks to encode a sample into a set of different embedding vectors that capture different semantics of the sample. In this paper, we present a novel set-based embedding method, which is distinct from previous work in two aspects. First, we present a new similarity function called smooth-Chamfer similarity, which is designed to alleviate the side effects of existing similarity functions for set-based embedding. Second, we propose a novel set prediction module to produce a set of embedding vectors that effectively captures diverse semantics of input by the slot attention mechanism. Our method is evaluated on the COCO and Flickr30K datasets across different visual backbones, where it outperforms existing methods including ones that demand substantially larger computation at inference.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 2023 (Highlight

    Cross-Domain Ensemble Distillation for Domain Generalization

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    Domain generalization is the task of learning models that generalize to unseen target domains. We propose a simple yet effective method for domain generalization, named cross-domain ensemble distillation (XDED), that learns domain-invariant features while encouraging the model to converge to flat minima, which recently turned out to be a sufficient condition for domain generalization. To this end, our method generates an ensemble of the output logits from training data with the same label but from different domains and then penalizes each output for the mismatch with the ensemble. Also, we present a de-stylization technique that standardizes features to encourage the model to produce style-consistent predictions even in an arbitrary target domain. Our method greatly improves generalization capability in public benchmarks for cross-domain image classification, cross-dataset person re-ID, and cross-dataset semantic segmentation. Moreover, we show that models learned by our method are robust against adversarial attacks and image corruptions.Comment: Accepted to ECCV 2022. Code is available at http://github.com/leekyungmoon/XDE

    Universal Metric Learning with Parameter-Efficient Transfer Learning

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    A common practice in metric learning is to train and test an embedding model for each dataset. This dataset-specific approach fails to simulate real-world scenarios that involve multiple heterogeneous distributions of data. In this regard, we introduce a novel metric learning paradigm, called Universal Metric Learning (UML), which learns a unified distance metric capable of capturing relations across multiple data distributions. UML presents new challenges, such as imbalanced data distribution and bias towards dominant distributions. To address these challenges, we propose Parameter-efficient Universal Metric leArning (PUMA), which consists of a pre-trained frozen model and two additional modules, stochastic adapter and prompt pool. These modules enable to capture dataset-specific knowledge while avoiding bias towards dominant distributions. Additionally, we compile a new universal metric learning benchmark with a total of 8 different datasets. PUMA outperformed the state-of-the-art dataset-specific models while using about 69 times fewer trainable parameters